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Phases of Career Development: Case Studies of Young Women with Learning Disabilities



This study investigates the career development process for young women with learning disabilities. Case study methodology was utilized to understand the key elements influencing career choices for young women with learning disabilities who had graduated from high school and entered the workforce. Case study findings revealed three distinct phases of career development that were labeled (a) unsettled, (b) exploratory, and (c) focused. Phases of career development varied along two dimensions - stability of employment and clarity of career goals. Key elements that seemed to influence the phases of career development included individual motivation and personal determination, family support and advocacy, opportunities for career exploration, on-the-job or postsecondary vocational training, and supportive work environments.
... Specifically, the themes identified were: Theme 1 -Career inequalities for women (vs. men) with disabilities (Reed, 2002;see Keim et al., 2002;Heydemann and Johnson, 2019;Ballo, 2020), which falls under the red cluster in Figure 2; Theme 2-Barriers to careers for women with disabilities (see Nosek and Bennett, 1996;Runte, 1998;Reed, 1999;Haq, 2003;Noonan et al., 2004;Conyers et al., 2014;Peter et al., 2018;Hanlon and Taylor, 2022;Scott, 2022), which falls under the green cluster in Figure 2; Theme 3-Educational/curriculum intervention to improve career motivations and opportunities for women with disabilities (see Lindstrom, 2000;Lindstrom and Benz, 2002;Lindstrom et al., 2008Lindstrom et al., , 2012Lindstrom et al., , 2013Lindstrom et al., , 2004Lindstrom et al., , 2019Wehmeyer et al., 2009;Miesch, 2011;Pham et al., 2020;Walden et al., 2021;Hirano et al., 2022), which falls under the green cluster in Figure 2; Theme 4-Facilitators/strategies for careers/career development of women with disabilities (see Nosek and Bennett, 1996;Runte, 1998;Reed, 1999;Keim et al., 2002;Haq, 2003;Noonan et al., 2004;Conyers et al., 2014;Hampton et al., 2015;Valtonen, 2017;Hanlon and Taylor, 2022;Scott, 2022), which falls under the green cluster in Figure 2; and Theme 5-Intersectionality of gender, disability, ethnicity, and low socio-economic status (amongst others), and its effects on career development (see Keim et al., 2002;Haq, 2003;Noonan et al., 2004;Ballo, 2020;Lindstrom et al., 2020b;Hanlon and Taylor, 2022;Scott, 2022), which falls under the green cluster in Figure 2. Each of these themes, which address each of the research questions, along with the bibliometric clusters will be explored and discussed in detail in the following paragraphs. ...
... However, educational attainment is also an educational outcome, which does not provide practical insights on how to improve the career motivations and opportunities for women with disabilities. Correspondingly, to address this gap, quite a few studies in this review (see Lindstrom, 2000;Lindstrom and Benz, 2002;Lindstrom et al., 2008Lindstrom et al., , 2012Lindstrom et al., , 2013Lindstrom et al., , 2004Lindstrom et al., , 2019Lindstrom et al., , 2020aWehmeyer et al., 2009;Miesch, 2011;Pham et al., 2020;Walden et al., 2021;Hirano et al., 2022) examined educational or curriculum interventions that sought to enhance the career motivations and opportunities for young women with disabilities. This theme is represented by the keywords "employment, " "gender, " "disability, " "career development, " and "women" in the green cluster of Figure 2. ...
... Studies under this theme were more transparent in reporting the types of disabilities of the young women. For example, they either had a learning disability, health impairment, emotional disturbance, intellectual disability, or speech or language impairment (Hirano et al., 2022); learning disability, emotional disturbance, or congenital spinal disability (Lindstrom, 2000;Lindstrom and Benz, 2002); learning disability, Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADD/ADHD), Autism, intellectual disability, or speech or language impairment (Lindstrom et al., 2012); learning disability (primary) and ADD/ADHD, emotional or mental health disability, physical disability, or traumatic brain injury (secondary) (Miesch, 2011); learning disability, health impairment, emotional behavioural disorders, intellectual disability, speech or language impairment, autism, hearing impairment, visual impairment, traumatic brain injury, or orthopaedic impairment (Pham et al., 2020). Although the types of disabilities were stated in many of these studies in describing the samples of young women with disabilities, most of these studies neither differentiated nor discussed the types of disabilities in respect to implications for the findings. ...
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This article examines the career motivations, opportunities, and development of women with disabilities. The increasing number of women in paid work over recent decades has resulted in substantive research on all aspects of women’s careers, yet examination of women in some minority groups has received much less attention. Extant research has found that although people with disabilities exhibit strong organisational loyalty and less absenteeism from work, they experience a disability pay gap, and are less likely to be working as managers or directors or in professional occupations. Experiences of prejudice, ableism, and discrimination lead to fear of disclosure, and this may be accentuated in some economies and communities where there is stigma associated with having disabilities, especially mental illness. As estimates suggest that one billion people in the world have a disability, and women may experience a double disadvantage based on their gender and disability and thus have lower levels of employment than men with disabilities and women without disabilities, it is important to understand factors affecting the career motivations, opportunities, and development of this significant proportion of the (potential) workforce. This article presents a rapid review of the relevant literature and identifies key themes including career inequalities for women with disabilities, career barriers for women with disabilities, educational interventions to improve career motivations and opportunities for women with disabilities, facilitators for careers and career development of women with disabilities, and intersectionality of gender, disability, and other identities for women’s career development. Limitations of the review include the exclusion of grey literature and certain databases in the search process. Based on the analysis of the themes developed from peer reviewed academic literature examined, suggestions for organisations and governments are presented, and a future research agenda established.
... The aims of these studies correspond with their qualitative character: they report the experiences, understandings, and impact of DD on the work of workers with DD in general, but sometimes also in specific contexts like nursing, medicine, physiotherapy, education, or transportation. One study [33] explored how technology can be supportive in the workplace, one [35] examined the impact of learning disabilities on young women's career development, one [38] explored the intersection of dyslexia, paid work, and mothering, and one [25] explored the differences between US and Canadian workplaces for adults with learning disabilities after protective legislation was introduced. ...
... Studies were performed in various countries, and some studies included participants from more than one country. Nine were (partially) performed in the UK [22,24,[30][31][32][36][37][38][39], seven in the US [21,23,25,26,29,33,35], three in Canada [23,25,34], two in Finland [24,27] and Fig. 1 The ICF scheme, expanded with the preliminary lists of work-related environmental factors and personal factors [5] one in the Netherlands [28]. These countries all have legislation barring discrimination of disabled people in the workplace. ...
... The total number of participants was 258 with an average of 13.5. One study did not specify the distribution of gender [39]; the remaining 18 studies included 123 male (50.4%) and 121 female (49.6%) participants [21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33][34][35][36][37][38]. ...
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Background This review is focused on workers with developmental dyslexia (DD). In this review DD is considered an expression of neurodiversity, a consequence of a natural variant of the brain. Evidence was synthesized to explore which factors workers with DD consider relevant for their participation in work and whether these factors reflect shifts in the concepts of health and sustainable employability. The factors were classified according to the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF), adapted for occupational health. Methods A systematic review of qualitative studies was performed. Two search strings were used to determine the population and the context of work. The factors were classified using a recently proposed rearrangement of the ICF scheme that places participation in a central position and incorporates preliminary lists of work-related environmental factors and personal factors. Results Fifty-one factors were found that appeared in 35% or more of the included studies and that were relevant to work participation according to the workers themselves. These factors were dispersed over all ICF categories. In the category Functions and Structures (11 factors), most of the factors had negative connotations. In the category Activities (9 factors), all the factors cause difficulties, except speaking (which is ambiguous). In the category Participation (4 factors), the formal relationships are important for the degree of participation. Overall, more than half of the factors are environmental (18) or personal (9) and they both hinder and facilitate work participation. Conclusions The results of this review give an indication for the importance of the biopsychosocial model as a relevant approach for people with a disability in the world of work. This review also adds data for the usefulness of the proposals for the reconsideration of the ICF scheme. The data has not (yet) returned any visible trends revealing that the concept of neurodiversity is common in organizations.
... Principales aportaciones (L. E. Lindstrom & Benz, 2002) Características que afectan al desarrollo profesional de las mujeres con DID Facilitadores del desarrollo: motivación y determinación, apoyo familiar, oportunidades de exploración laboral, preparación pre profesional, apoyo en el entorno de trabajo. Importancia de la toma de decisiones, autodefensa y autodeterminación. ...
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Data from the World Health Organization indicate that the unemployment rate for people with disabilities can reach 80% in some countries. In Western societies, employment for people with physical or sensory disabilities is settled through inclusive practices in ordinary settings, according to the interests of the person. In the case of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, it is frequently developed through segregating and not very emancipatory practices, which severely restricts professional development options. This article develops the state of the art regarding research on the professional development of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The different studies are classified according to the six main models of professional development, where trends and main contributions are observed. Results show a low number of investigations, with a predominance of the sociocognitive approach, which is focused on self-efficacy. The conclusion highlights the need to investigate from an emancipatory perspective, which contributes to overcoming the barriers and promotes practices that advance towards social justice and equity for people with intellectual disabilities. Datos de la Organización Mundial de la Salud señalan que la tasa de desocupación de personas con discapacidad puede llegar al 80% en algunos países. En la sociedad occidental, el empleo en personas con discapacidades físicas o sensoriales se prioriza a través de prácticas inclusivas, en entornos ordinarios y atendiendo a los intereses de la persona. En el caso de las personas con discapacidad intelectual y del desarrollo[1] se sigue recurriendoa prácticas segregadoras y poco emancipadoras, que coartan las opciones de desarrollo laboral. Este artículo desarrolla el estado de la cuestión respecto la investigación del desarrollo profesional de las personas con discapacidad intelectual y del desarrollo. Los distintos estudios se clasifican en función de los seis modelos principales del desarrollo profesional, donde se observan las tendencias y principales aportaciones. El resultado es un bajo número de investigaciones, con predominancia de la concepción de desarrollo profesional, definida desde el modelo sociocognitivo, centrado en la autoeficacia. Se concluye apuntando la necesidad de investigar desde la perspectiva emancipadora, que contribuye a la superación de barreras y promueve prácticas que avanzan hacia la justicia social y la equidad [1] Dirección para correspondencia (Correspondence address): Se emplea la conceptualización aportada por la American Association of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (2011), que considera la discapacidad intelectual y del desarrollo como el conjunto de limitaciones en el funcionamiento cognitivo y la conducta adaptativa surgidas antes de la llegada a la vida adulta. [1] Se emplea la conceptualización aportada por la American Association of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (2011), que considera la discapacidad intelectual y del desarrollo como el conjunto de limitaciones en el funcionamiento cognitivo y la conducta adaptativa surgidas antes de la llegada a la vida adulta.
... Whereas, men in society are considered as superior, however, when disability intersects with gender, both men and women face difficulties in different spheres of life but in comparison, the situation of women is worse (Hosain et al., 2002). Several previous researchers documented that women with disabilities face more restrictions socially, that is in education, career, marriage (Benz et al., 1998;Doren & Benz, 2001;Lindstrom & Benz, 2002;Lindstrom et al., 2004;Dhungana, 2006;Singal et al, 2020) and they also face a barrier in their cognitive thinking as well (Batool & Shahbaz, 2008, p. 57). Thomas and Thomas (2002b) and Maqbool (2003) reported a common belief that women with disability are unfortunate and socially excluded which may lead to isolation, loneliness, and poor self-esteem. ...
The current study attempted to explore the intersection of gender and disability in university students. It was observed that how the nexus of gender and disability shapes lives. Disability poses many problems for each individual. However, in the context of Pakistani society, the intersection of disability with gender is not explored much. The purpose of this research was to understand the differences between girls and boys as they face disability. This was a qualitative study. The students of public and private sector universities of Lahore were interviewed in this phenomenological study. A total number of eight (8) students including 4 male and 4 female students with physical and visual disability were interviewed. The gender differences were examined through qualitative thematic content analysis. The findings showed that disability tends to effect the social inclusion of the people with special needs. The nexus of disability and gender marginalize women more as compared to men. Women lose confidence which, in turn, impacts their emotional and psychological well-being. The current study is one of the very few researches which explored the intersection of gender and disability among the university students of Lahore, Pakistan. On the basis of the findings, future research could be conducted on a bigger population and with different research designs. Additionally, this study is a step in the direction of raising awareness regarding the added issues faced by girls and women with disabilities.
... Kami menggunakan metode purposive sampling untuk memilih peserta…Peserta dinominasikan oleh guru pendidikan khusus dan secara khusus dipilih untuk memenuhi tujuan tertentu. kriteria pengambilan sampel, antara lain: (a) menerima layanan pendidikan khusus di sekolah menengah umum, (b) lulus sekolah menengah atas dengan ijazah sekolah menengah atas standar, (c) mengikuti program pelatihan kerja selama minimal 1 tahun , (d) memenuhi syarat untuk layanan rehabilitasi kejuruan dan berpartisipasi dalam pengembangan rencana kerja individual, dan (e) dipekerjakan setidaknya 30 jam per minggu pada saat pengumpulan data awal (Lindstrom & Benz, 2002;Hibberts et al., 2012). ...
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Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui teknik sampling umum dalam metode penelitian berdasarkan beberapa artikel internasional bereputasi. Untuk memenuhi tujuan tersebut, peneliti melakukan penelitian di tiga jurnal yang membahas tentang teknik pengambilan sampel. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah jenis penelitian kepustakaan dengan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif, dengan menggunakan metode analisis isi. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ketiga artikel tersebut membahas dan menjelaskan teknik sampling umum dalam metodologi penelitian. Secara khusus perbedaannya terletak pada penjelasan poin-poin penting pemahaman atau beberapa tahapan yang dapat dilalui dalam teknik sampling. Selain itu juga, masing-masing isi naskah ke-3 artikel menjelaskan kelebihan dan kekrungan dari masing-masing teknik samping berhubungan dengan bias dari keterwakilan populasi dari teknik sampling yang dipilih. Sementara satu naskah lebih jelas dilengkapi dengan alternatif solusi mengurangi bahkan meningkatkan keterwakilan populasi atas sampel yang ambil dengan metode yang dipilih.
... Peran konselor sangat penting dalam mempersiapkan kualitas kemampuan kerja mahasiswa difabel sehingga mereka dapat melakukan kegiatan yang terarah sesuai dengan kapasitas dan potensi mereka. Konselor juga dapat menjadi pengarah dan pembimbing bagi mahasiswa difabel dalam mengambil keputusan yang terkait dengan karir (Lindstrom & Benz, 2002), serta menjadi tempat diskusi mahasiswa terkait masa transisi dari kampus ke dunia kerja (Haas, 2022). Dengan adanya program konseling ini, mahasiswa merasa lebih percaya diri dalam menemukan sumber informasi, serta menyadari kemampuan dan perkembangan diri. ...
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Difabel menghadapi tantangan yang lebih besar dibanding individu pada umumnya untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan di sektor kerja. Menempuh pendidikan tinggi dinilai menjadi salah satu alternatif bagi difabel untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan kerja mereka. Meskipun jumlah pendidikan tinggi yang berinisiatif menerapkan praktik pendidikan inklusif masih terbatas, namun sejumlah pendidikan tinggi inklusif mampu menunjukkan keberhasilannya dalam mengadvokasi ketenagakerjaan difabel. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi praktik baik yang dilakukan oleh perguruan tinggi inklusif di Indonesia dalam meningkatkan kemampuan kerja (employability) dan keterlibatan mahasiswa difabel di pasar kerja. Dengan menggunakan metode wawancara semi terstruktur, penelitian ini menggali berbagai strategi dari tiga (3) perguruan tinggi inklusif yang berpengalaman menyediakan layanan Pendidikan bagi difabel. Berdasarkan hasil temuan empiris, perguruan tinggi inklusif mengadvokasi ketenagakerjaan difabel dengan melaksanakan program yang melibatkan stakeholder internal dan eksternal kampus, serta mengembangkan kapasitas mahasiswa pada aspek akademis, sosial, dan karir. Penelitian ini diharapkan mampu memberikan kontribusi secara interseksional pada literatur penelitian pendidikan inklusif dan kemampuan kerja difabel. Penelitian ini pun berkontribusi secara praktis bagi para pemangku kebijakan di tingkat perguruan tinggi dan atau pemerintahan untuk meningkatkan pengelolaan dan pelayanan pendidikan agar dapat meningkatkan kemampuan kerja dan memperluas akses pada pekerjaan yang layak bagi difabel.
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נייר עמדה זה מטרתו להציג סקירה אינטגרטיבית של מגוון תוכניות המעבר מבית הספר לעולם התעסוקה עבור בוגרי מסגרות החינוך עם מוגבלויות. הסקירה מבוססת על מחקרי הערכה בינלאומיים, ראיונות של אנשי מקצוע בתחום במדינת ישראל ועוד. המסמך גם מציע חלופות אפשריות לקידום תהליכי מעבר ממסגרות חינוך לתעסוקה תוך התייחסות לגורמי סיכון וגורמי הצלחה.
The objective of the current research is to identify the effect of using the student's guide bag on the attitudes and professional tendencies of high school students who have learning difficulties in Riyadh city. The researcher used two tools: the student's guide bag and the vocational awareness scale. After the data were collected and statistically analyzed by calculating the arithmetic mean to identify the differences between the pre-test and post-test of the occupational awareness scale, and the ETA box (2). The study found that there are statistically significant differences At a level of significance less than (0.05) among the average responses of secondary school students who have learning difficulties in the tribal and post-application of the vocational awareness scale. There is a high impact on the effectiveness of the student's student bag program to improve vocational awareness among high school students who have learning difficulties To study the need to pay attention to vocational guidance and support materially and morally, and to participate students who have learning difficulties themselves in planning guidance programs.
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This paper describes the evidence base for transition programmes for young adults with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). Schools, colleges and providers of careers and enterprise programmes are invited to use this evidence to inform the programmes that they are running and developing. The paper draws together academic and ‘grey’ literature (such as policy papers, speeches and programme evaluation reports), with the aim of, first, clarifying the impacts from transition programming and, second, exploring what effective practice looks like.
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Resumen El siguiente artículo aborda los resultados de un estudio cualitativo efectuado en colegios técnico-profesionales de Santiago de Chile, cuyo objetivo fue indagar en las motivaciones y expectativas de estudiantes con Necesidades Educativas Especiales (NEE) para estudiar una carrera técnica. La enseñanza media técnico profesional ha sido tradicionalmente connotada como un camino más directo al empleo y en la que subyace el supuesto de que es casi la única o principal posibilidad educativa para estratos populares. La muestra se compuso de 37 estudiantes de ambos géneros, de tercer y cuarto año, socioeconómicamente vulnerables, que presentaban alguna NEE y que eran atendidos por los programas de integración escolar (PIE) de sus respectivos colegios. El análisis de datos operó a través del Método de Comparación Constante, que codificó y refinó categorías hasta acceder a comprensiones teóricas emergentes. Los resultados muestran que los estudiantes perciben sus entornos escolares como integradores y protectores ante sus situaciones de discapacidad y necesidades especiales, valoran la formación técnica como una etapa que los puede proyectar eventualmente hacia la Educación Superior y sus expectativas se asocian a oportunidades de empleo y/o de estudios superiores. La evidencia sugiere que estamos ante algunos signos de cambio y adaptación del paradigma educativo, ya que gradualmente se transita desde esquemas compensatorios e integrativos hacia un diseño más inclusivo de la diversidad, lo que desde un enfoque de derechos debería impulsar el fortalecimiento de estrategias que superen la naturalizada oposición de normalidad/anormalidad que aún se aprecia en nuestros sistemas escolares.
This article examined self-definition in a sample of adolescents with and without disabilities to understand how they develop a sense of themselves and influential contextual factors. Central findings focus attention on students' self-definition, the degree to which they struggle in their lives, and the social support they are able to access and use. Students varied on level of self-definition, struggle, and type of support. Variation was dependent upon the clarity of the students' sense of themselves, their vision for the future, and their access to and use of supports to cope with decisions and difficulties faced as they prepared to graduate from high school. Students with disabilities were most likely to have low self-definition and experience high struggle.
This study explored how students choose careers, their attitudes toward vocational education, and whether or not they would consider enrolling in a nontraditional vocational education program.
Women consistently earn less than men. This holds true for individuals with and without disabilities. Women with disabilities, however, have more negative employment experiences than do men with disabilities. The purpose of this article is to explore the less than desirable conditions that women with disabilities face in employment. Studies dealing primarily with the employment outcomes of females and males with disabilities are reviewed, followed by recommendations for the field of special education. We suggest that women with disabilities are dually disadvantaged in employment when gender interacts with disability.
This review examined employment and postsecondary education outcomes for youth with disabilities leaving secondary schools, as well as studies of educational practices reporting high-quality outcomes. Analytical considerations included the current initiatives in educational reform that emphasize the improvement of career-related outcomes for all students and the inclusion of youth with disabilities in regular classes. While school- and employment-related outcomes for youth with disabilities continue to be problematic when compared with those for nondisabled youth, two educational practices appear to consistently align with higher-quality outcomes for students. The promising practices that merit attention in improving programs and in advancing the knowledge base include school supervised work experiences and functionally oriented curricula in which occupationally specific skills, employability skills, and academic skills are systematically connected for students. The educational reform literature indicates that valued outcomes for all students are focusing more prominently on workplace and transition outcomes, and that educational practices supported with documented evidence from the secondary special education literature are viewed by many authors as promising directions for improving secondary education for all students.
The circumscription and compromise theory of vocational aspirations draws attention to the possibility that many adolescents may unnecessarily limit their vocational options. This article describes key elements of the theory, particularly its emphasis on children's perceptions of occupational sextype, and the changes the theory requires in how to conceptualize and assess vocational aspirations. It also describes a theory based Mapping Vocational Challenges1 (MVC; Lapan, Loehr-Lapan, & Tupper, 1995) activity that helps adolescents map and discuss the beliefs and background factors that can lead them to rule out careers they might actually find interesting and perform well.
This paper uses multivariate techniques to examine the relationship of children's sex and their perceptions of occupations' difficulty, earnings, importance, and supervisory responsibilities to their preference for 21 different occupations. Data were gathered through personal interviews from a sample of 496 fourth graders from a working class, western Oregon community. Perceptions of supervisory responsibilities rarely influence children's preferences, and perceptions of the other dimensions tend to influence preferences only with occupations with relatively extreme scores on that dimension. The effect of students' sex is almost always independent of and more important than occupational perceptions. It is suggested that children learn about the sex-typing of jobs at the same time they learn about other occupational characteristics and that increased knowledge of occupations may do little to lessen sex differences in occupational preferences. Future research should include a variety of measures of occupational perceptions, avoid grouping occupations into categories, and employ longitudinal and applied experimental designs.
This book presents a disciplined, qualitative exploration of case study methods by drawing from naturalistic, holistic, ethnographic, phenomenological and biographic research methods. Robert E. Stake uses and annotates an actual case study to answer such questions as: How is the case selected? How do you select the case which will maximize what can be learned? How can what is learned from one case be applied to another? How can what is learned from a case be interpreted? In addition, the book covers: the differences between quantitative and qualitative approaches; data-gathering including document review; coding, sorting and pattern analysis; the roles of the researcher; triangulation; and reporting.
Interviews with eight women enrolled in gender-nontraditional associate degree programs at a community college revealed that most were preparing for work out of economic necessity, chose nontraditional occupations for better pay, and had strong female role models. Most instructors and peers provided a welcoming environment that outweighed a few instances of sexism and harassment. (SK)